#Motor web services Provides service methods to handle the lifecycle of motor policies. * **Type**: SOAP * **Production WSDL**: https://services.generali.gr/gbox-ws/soap/v1/motor?wsdl * **Test WSDL**: http://www.generali.gr/gbox-ws/soap/v1/motor?wsdl * **Demo WSDL**: http://www.generali.gr/gbox-ws/soap/demo/v1/motor?wsdl Methods * [validateInsurable](#validateInsurable) * [tariffy](#tariffy) * [issuePolicy](#issuePolicy) * [listPackagesInfo](#listPackagesInfo) * [getPackageInfo](#getPackageInfo) * [getApplicationDocument](#getApplicationDocument) * [getMotorStickerDocument](#getMotorStickerDocument) * [uploadSupportingDocument](#uploadSupportingDocument) * [getNoOfClaims](#getNoOfClaims) * [getNoOfClaimsByDate](#getNoOfClaimsByDate) * [issueGreenCard](#issueGreenCard) ##validateInsurable <a name="validateInsurable"></a> Validates a motor insurable for Tariffication and returns a report with the results. ###Input (MotorInsurableBase) Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- motorCode | String | Numerical | Required | The eurotax code of the motor | 45589 plateNo | String | String | Required | The registration number of the vehicle | YXT4954 manufacturerYear | Integer | Integer | Required | Year of production of the car | 2012 marketValue | BigDecimal | BigDecimal | Required | Value of the car in the market | 26910.00 noOfClaims | Integer | Integer | Optional | The number of claims of the vehicle | 0 ownerGenderCode | String | listGenders(): code | Required | The gender of the owner(policy holder) | 1 ownerAfm | String | Numerical | Optional | The Afm of the owner(policy holder) | 012837464 driverBirthDate | Date | Date | Required | The birthdate of the driver | 24/12/1983 driverMaritalStatusCode | String | listMaritalStatuses(): code | Required | The marital status of the driver | 1 driverPostalCode | String | Numerical | Required | The postal code of the main residence of the driver | 15561 protectionMeasures | Set[String] | listProtectionMeasures(): code | Optional | Protection measures of the vehicle | 001 purchasedDate| Date | Date | Optional | Date in which the car was bought | 21/02/2012 ###Output The output is a Report *(see General considerations)*. ###Example **Example with errors** *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:validateInsurable> <insurable> <driverBirthdate>24/12/1983</driverBirthdate> <driverMaritalStatusCode>1</driverMaritalStatusCode> <driverPostalCode>50001</driverPostalCode> <manufacturerYear>2010</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>15000.50</marketValue> <purchasedDate>2012</purchasedDate> <ownerAfm>012837464</ownerAfm> <ownerGenderCode>1</ownerGenderCode> <plateNo>IXT1213</plateNo> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <protectionMeasures>001</protectionMeasures> </insurable> </v1:validateInsurable> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:validateInsurableResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>2</code> <target>/insurable/motorCode</target> <body>Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό.</body> </message> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>2</code> <target>/insurable/driverBirthdate</target> <body>Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό.</body> </message> <valid>false</valid> </return> </ns2:validateInsurableResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##tariffy <a name="tariffy"></a> Tariffies the selected coverages of an insurable object. Notice that, regarding the covers, only the *missing* information should be sent. This includes the sum insured, the parameters, and rarely the premium of the covers that are not disabled as well as those covers that are optional (even if they contain no extra input information). Any other data sent will be ignored by the tariffication engine. In order to know which values should be sent to our system you could: * Use our [listPackagesInfo](#listPackagesInfo) *(prefered)*: Check the list of mandatory and optional covers in order to know which ones can be selected. Check the [cover field](#FieldInfo) type values to know which of them (if any) should be sent with their cover. * Use Iris as a reference: Check the list of mandatory and optional covers in order to know which ones can be selected. Check the inputs that are capable of taking values from the user (they are not disabled), those are the ones that should be sent along with their cover. Check the examples to get a better idea of how to use the service. ###Input Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- paymentFrequency | Integer | **1**: Annual</br> **2**: Semiannual</br> | Required | The payment frequency to tariffy for | 1 insurable | MotorInsurableBase | MotorInsurableBase | Required | The motor to insure | *(see above)* startDate | Date | Date | Required | The starting date of the tariffication | 15/05/2014 pack | Pack | Pack | Required | The package to tariffy (including extra products and parameters) | *(see below)* ####Pack Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- code | String | Numerical | Required | The code of the package | 123000000 products | List[Cover] | Cover | Required | The choosen products of the package | List["123000000", Value[20223.23], Value["100"], List["paramType", "400", Value[1000.50]]] ####Cover Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | |---------------- | ----------- | ------- code | String | String | Required | The code of the product | 234 sumInsured | Value | Value | Optional | The sum insured of the product | Value[20223.23] premium | Value | Value | Otional | The premium of the product | Value["100"] params | List[CoverParam] | CoverParam | Optional | The params of the product | List["paramType", "400", Value[1000.50]] ####CoverParam Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- type | String | String | Required | The type of the product param | "GGY" code | String | String | Required | The code of the product param | "400" ####Value Can be choosen either the codeValue or the numericalValue. Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | |---------------- | ----------- | ------- codeValue | String | String | Required | The value as code | 200 numericalValue | BigDecimal | BigDecimal | Required | The value as number | 5000.43 ###Output Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- requestCode | String | String | Is the key code of the tariffication in case of tracking it down | 162 totalPremiumGross | BigDecimal | BigDecimal | Tariffication's total premium gross amount | 450.67 totalPremiumNet | BigDecimal | BigDecimal | Tariffication's total premium net amount | 390.81 coverageList | Package | Package | The selected coverages and products | *(see above)* ###Example 1 In this example, taken from Iris, we tariffy package Speed 2 and get a valid result. Notice that only the *missing* information is sent (red circles), which is the one coming from the the non disabled inputs. ![Speed2](images/Speed2-a.jpg) *Input* ``` POST http://www.generali.gr/gbox-ws/soap/demo/v1/motor HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8 SOAPAction: "" Content-Length: 1458 Host: localhost:8080 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5) Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzoxMjM0 ``` ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:tariffy> <paymentFrequency>1</paymentFrequency> <startDate>2014-04-23</startDate> <insurable> <driverBirthdate>1983-12-24</driverBirthdate> <driverMaritalStatusCode>1</driverMaritalStatusCode> <driverPostalCode>50001</driverPostalCode> <manufacturerYear>2010</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>16650</marketValue> <motorCode>35603</motorCode> <noOfClaims>0</noOfClaims> <ownerAfm>123456789</ownerAfm> <ownerGenderCode>1</ownerGenderCode> <plateNo>IBZ1213</plateNo> <protectionMeasures></protectionMeasures> <purchasedDate>2011-11-20</purchasedDate> </insurable> <pack code="802"> <cover code="280000000"> <sumInsured> <codeValue>953</codeValue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="281000000"> <sumInsured> <codeValue>950</codeValue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="753450171"> </cover> </pack> </v1:tariffy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:tariffyResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return> <requestCode>req-50045-1400156167763</requestCode> <totalPremiumNet>313.85</totalPremiumNet> <totalPremiumGross>439.31</totalPremiumGross> <pack code="802"> <cover code="215150000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>1000000.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="215151000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>1000000.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="215152000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>0.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="294153000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>30000.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="297000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>800.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="129000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>3000.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="742265170"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>0.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="752000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>0.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="280000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>10000.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="283000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>16650.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="282000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>15000.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="211000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>16650.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="285000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>16650.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="295154000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>1500.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="736000000"> <param code="701" type="GGY"/> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>16650.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="281000000"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>1000.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="753450171"> <sumInsured> <numericalvalue>0.00</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> </pack> </return> </ns2:tariffyResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` #### Client (Java) Example of a simple Java client. Notice the exact naming of the classes depends on your client generator and it could be slightly different than the following. ``` import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider; public class TarifficationExample1 { public static final void main(String[] args) { try { MotorWsV1Locator locator = new MotorWsV1Locator(); MotorWsV1 service = locator.getMotorWsV1BasePort(); //Authentication Map<String, Object> context = ((BindingProvider) service).getRequestContext(); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "50072"); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "1234"); //Setting Data to MotorInsurableBase MotorInsurableBase motorInsurable = new MotorInsurableBase(); motorInsurable.setDriverBirthdate(DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(new GregorianCalendar(1983, 12, 24))); motorInsurable.setDriverMaritalStatusCode("1"); motorInsurable.setDriverPostalCode("50001"); motorInsurable.setManufacturerYear(2010); motorInsurable.setMarketValue(new BigDecimal(16650)); motorInsurable.setMotorCode("35603"); motorInsurable.setNoOfClaims(0); motorInsurable.setOwnerAfm("123456789"); motorInsurable.setOwnerGenderCode("1"); motorInsurable.setPlateNo("IBZ1213"); motorInsurable.setPurchasedDate(DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(new GregorianCalendar(2011, 11, 20))); //Create mandatory Cover for Personal Accident Cover personalAccident = new Cover(); Value sumInsuredPersonal = new Value(); sumInsuredPersonal.setCodeValue("953"); personalAccident.setCode("280000000"); personalAccident.setSumInsured(sumInsuredPersonal); //Create mandatory Cover for Windscreen Cover windscreen = new Cover(); Value sumInsuredWindscreen = new Value(); sumInsuredWindscreen.setCodeValue("950"); windscreen.setCode("281000000"); windscreen.setSumInsured(sumInsuredWindscreen); //Create optional Cover for Motor Assistance Cover motorAssistance = new Cover(); motorAssistance.setCode("753450171"); //Setting data to Pack Pack pack = new Pack(); pack.setCode("802"); List<Cover> covers = pack.getCover(); covers.add(personalAccident); covers.add(windscreen); covers.add(motorAssistance); //Execution Quotation quotation = service.tariffy(1, DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(new GregorianCalendar(2014, 5, 19)), motorInsurable, pack); //Result displaying System.out.println("Request code: "+quotation.getRequestCode()); System.out.println("Premium Gross Amount: "+quotation.getTotalPremiumGross()); System.out.println("Premium Net Amount: "+quotation.getTotalPremiumNet()); } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TarifficationExample1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SystemMaintenanceException_Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(TarifficationExample1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ValidationException ex) { //Manage report if ValidationException occur Report report = ex.getFaultInfo().getReport(); for(Message message : report.getMessage()) { System.out.println("Target : "+message.getTarget()); System.out.println("Severity: "+message.getSeverity()); System.out.println("Message Code: "+message.getCode()); System.out.println("Message: "+message.getBody()); } } } } ``` Being the output: Request code: req-50045-1400571612142 Premium Gross Amount: 439.31 Premium Net Amount: 313.85 ###Example 2 In this example, taken from Iris *(see image above)*, we tariffy package Speed 2 and get an invalid result. Notice that the input is missing some required informations about covers. *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:tariffy> <paymentFrequency>1</paymentFrequency> <startDate>2014-04-13</startDate> <insurable> <driverBirthdate>1983-12-24</driverBirthdate> <driverMaritalStatusCode>1</driverMaritalStatusCode> <driverPostalCode>50001</driverPostalCode> <manufacturerYear>2009</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>16000</marketValue> <motorCode>35603</motorCode> <noOfClaims>0</noOfClaims> <ownerAfm>123456789</ownerAfm> <ownerGenderCode>1</ownerGenderCode> <plateNo>YZX1234</plateNo> <protectionMeasures></protectionMeasures> <purchasedDate>2011-11-20</purchasedDate> </insurable> <pack code="802"> <cover code="280000000"> <sumInsured> <codeValue>953</codeValue> <numericalvalue>10000</numericalvalue> </sumInsured> </cover> </pack> </v1:tariffy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την τιμολόγηση.</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:WsException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>1</code> <target>/pack/cover[@code="281000000"]</target> <body>Η κάλυψη με κωδικό: 281000000 είναι υποχρεωτικό να δηλωθεί.</body> </message> <valid>false</valid> </report> </ns2:WsException> </detail> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example 3 In this example, we tariffy package Speed 3 and get an invalid result, caused by insurable's wrong data. *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:tariffy> <paymentFrequency>1</paymentFrequency> <startDate>2014-05-15</startDate> <insurable> <driverBirthdate></driverBirthdate> <driverMaritalStatusCode>1</driverMaritalStatusCode> <driverPostalCode>50001</driverPostalCode> <manufacturerYear>2010</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>16650</marketValue> <motorCode>35603</motorCode> <noOfClaims>1</noOfClaims> <ownerAfm>123456789</ownerAfm> <ownerGenderCode>1</ownerGenderCode> <plateNo>IBZ8972</plateNo> <protectionMeasures></protectionMeasures> <purchasedDate>2011-11-20</purchasedDate> </insurable> <pack code="803"> <cover code="284000000"> </cover> </pack> </v1:tariffy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την τιμολόγηση.</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:WsException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>2</code> <target>/insurable/driverBirthdate</target> <body>Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό.</body> </message> <valid>false</valid> </report> </ns2:WsException> </detail> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##issuePolicy <a name="issuePolicy"></a> Issuing a policy for the provided insurables and the selected coverages. Should be provided informations about the distribution channel, the policy holder, the main insurable, the motor data and the coverages. Notice that, regarding the covers, only the *missing* information should be sent. This includes the sum insured, the parameters, and rarely the premium of the covers that are not disabled as well as those covers that are optional (even if they contain no extra input information). In order to know which coverages should be sent to our system you could: * Use our [listPackagesInfo](#listPackagesInfo) *(prefered)*: Check the list of mandatory and optional covers in order to know which ones can be selected. Check the [cover field](#FieldInfo) type values to know which of them (if any) should be sent with their cover. * Use Iris as a reference: Check the list of mandatory and optional covers in order to know which ones can be selected. Check the inputs that are capable of taking values from the user (they are not disabled), those are the ones that should be sent along with their cover. Check the examples to get a better idea of how to use the service. ### Input Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- application | MotorApplication | MotorApplication | Required | The motor application for issuing | *(see below)* ####MotorApplication Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- distChannel | DistChannel | DistChannel | Required | Dist Channel data | *(see below)* policyHolder | Person | Person | Required | Informations about the policy holder | *(see below)* mainInsurable | Person | Person | Optional | Informations about the main insurable. If not provided, main insurable will be considered as the same person as the policy holder | *(see below)* motorInsurable | MotorInsurable | MotorInsurable | Required | Informations about motor data | *(see below)* pack | Pack | Pack | Required | The selected coverages | *(see below)* payment | Payment | Payment | Required | Informations about the payment procedure | *(see below)* applicationDetails | ApplicationDetails | ApplicationDetails | Required | Extra details about the application | *(see below)* ####DistChannel Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- code | String | Numerical | Required | Dist Channel code | 12345 subCode | String | Numerical | Optional | The sub code if existed | 123 hasTaxReporting | boolean | * **true** *: If has tax reporting * **false** *: If not *(Default value: false)* | Optional | If the policy is for professional use | false ####Person Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- gender | int | listGenders():code | Required | The gender of the person | 1 companyName | String | String | * **Required** *: If the gender is company * **Not allowed** *: If the gender is male or female | The company name | Generali surname | String | String | * **Required** *: If the gender is male or female * **Not allowed** *: If the gender is company | The surname of the person | ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ name1 | String | String | * **Required** *: If the gender is male or female * **Not allowed** *: If the gender is company | The name of the person | ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ name2 | String | String | Optional | Father's name | ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ employmentType | String | listEmployments():code | Required | The code of the person's employment type | 220 licenseDate | Date | Date | Required | The license date of the person | 20/01/1999 birthDate | Date | Date | Required | The birthdate of the person | 01/01/1987 nationality | String | String | Optional | The nationality of the person | ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ maritalStatus | int | listMaritalStatuses():code | Required | The marital status of the person | 3 afm | String | Numerical | Required | The Tax Registration Number of the person | 123456789 personId | String | String | Optional | The person's ID number | AI12345 iban1-iban7 | String | String | Optional | The digits of the IBAN | 1111 streetName | String | String | Required | The street name of the person's residence | ΕΥΤΕΡΠΗΣ streetNo | String | String | Optional | The street number of the person's residence | 1 postCode | String | Numerical | Required | The postal code of the person's residence | 15561 city | String | String | Required | The city of the person's residence | ΑΘΗΝΑ phoneNo | String | Numerical | Optional | The phone number (home or mobile) of the person | 2106666666 fax | String | Numerical | Optional | The fax number of the person | 2106666661 email | String | String | Optional | The email of the person | email@gmail.com nameNo | String | Numerical | Optional | The nameNo of a person, if existing | 13734832 ####MotorInsurable Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- registrationNo | String | String | Required | The registration number of the motor | YXT1234 eurotaxCode | String | listMotorModel():code or listMotorModelsWithRetailPrice():code | Required | The eurotax code of the motor | 12345 eurotaxDescr | String | name of the manufacturer + listMotorModel():type1 or listMotorModelsWithRetailPrice():type1 | Optional | The decreption of the motor | Alpha Romeo A3 SB 1.6 16v FSi hp | int | listMotorModel():taxHp or listMotorModelsWithRetailPrice():taxHp | Optional | The tax hp of the motor | 11 doors | int | int | Optional | The number of the motor's doors | 5 colour |String | String | Optional | The colour of the motor | ΜΠΛΕ yearlyKm | int | int | Optional | The number of yearly km of the motor | 2000 manufacturerMonth | String | listMotorModel():beginDate.month or listMotorModelsWithRetailPrice():beginDate.month | Optional | The manufacturer month | 11 manufacturerYear | int | listMotorModel():beginDate.year or listMotorModelsWithRetailPrice():beginDate.year | Required | The manufacturer year | 2012 transferDate | Date | Date | Optional | The date of the transfer, if existing | 20/02/2013 claims | int | int | Required | The number of the claims the last 3 years | 2 marketValue | BigDecimal | BigDecimal | Required | The current market value of the motor | 3500 hasInsuranceCertificate | boolean | * **true** *: If has InsuranceCertificate * **false** *: If not *(Default value: false)* | Optional | Declares if you want a certificate of insurance for the bank *(only for new motors)* | true bankName | String | String | * **Required** *: If hasInsuranceCertificate = true | The name of the bank from which you want the certificate | BANK gps | boolean | boolean | Optional | If the motor has gps | true garage | boolean | boolean | Optional | if the client has a garage for the motor | false alarm | boolean | boolean | Optional | If the motor is equiped with alarm | true ####Pack check *[tariffy](#tariffy)* method. ####Payment Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- frequency | int | listPaymentFrequencies():code | Required | The payment frequency of the policy | 1 card | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | true visa | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | true mastercard | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false twelveMonths | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false oneTime | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | true creditCardNumber1-creditCardNumber4 | String | String | Optional | The credit cards number | 44444 creditCardExpireMonth | String | String | Optional | The expiring month of the card | 01 creditCardExpireYear | String | String | Optional | The expiring month of the year | 2015 bank | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | true bankName | String | String | Optional | The name of the bank choosen for payments | BANK other | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | true webBanking | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | true elta | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false phoneBanking | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false inhouse | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false dias | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false collector | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false atm | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false collaborator | boolean | boolean | Optional | Defines the way of payment | false ####ApplicationDetails Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- startDate | Date | Date | Required | The starting date of the policy | 09/05/2014 endDate | Date | Date | Required | The expiring date of the policy | 09/05/2015 signatureDate | Date | Date | Optional | The date signed the policy | 09/05/2014 signaturePlace | String | String | Optional | The place signed the policy | ΑΘΗΝΑ ### Output ####PolicyReport Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- applicationNo | String | String | The number of the application | 001238485 quotationNo | String | String | The number of the quotation | 39482848 If the issuePolicy is executed sucessfully, meaning that there are not any kind of exceptions, there will always be an applicationNo. Additionally, if underwriter rules are met and the application becomes a policy, there will be a policyNo too. ###Example1 In this example will be issued sucessfully an application as a policy. The selected package is Speed1 and the covers are showed in the image below. ![Iris_image2](images/Iris_image2.png) *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:issuePolicy> <motorApplication> <applicationDetails> <endDate>2015-05-22</endDate> <signatureDate>2014-05-22</signatureDate> <signaturePlace>ΧΟΛΑΡΓΟΣ</signaturePlace> <startDate>2014-05-22</startDate> </applicationDetails> <pack code="801"> <cover code="280000000"> <sumInsured> <codeValue>954</codeValue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="281000000"> <sumInsured> <codeValue>950</codeValue> </sumInsured> </cover> <cover code="753450171"> </cover> <cover code="576000000"> </cover> <cover code="577000000"> </cover> </pack> <distChannel code="08000"> <hasTaxReporting>false</hasTaxReporting> <name1>Generali</name1> <subCode></subCode> <surname></surname> </distChannel> <mainInsurable> <afm>139651221</afm> <birthDate>1992-01-01</birthDate> <city>ΑΘΗΝΑ</city> <companyName></companyName> <email>eleftheria@gmail.com</email> <employmentType>220</employmentType> <fax></fax> <gender>2</gender> <iban1></iban1> <iban2></iban2> <iban3></iban3> <iban4></iban4> <iban5></iban5> <iban6></iban6> <iban7></iban7> <licenseDate>2014-05-06</licenseDate> <maritalStatus>1</maritalStatus> <name1>ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ</name1> <name2>ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ</name2> <nameNo></nameNo> <nationality>ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ</nationality> <personId></personId> <phoneNo>2108090182</phoneNo> <postCode>15561</postCode> <streetName>ΠΥΘΕΟΥ</streetName> <streetNo>2</streetNo> <surname>ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ</surname> </mainInsurable> <motorInsurable> <alarm>false</alarm> <claims>0</claims> <colour>ΜΠΛΕ</colour> <doors>5</doors> <eurotaxDescr>A5 1.8 16v TFSi</eurotaxDescr> <garage>false</garage> <gps>false</gps> <hasInsuranceCertificate>false</hasInsuranceCertificate> <hp>160</hp> <manufacturerMonth>5</manufacturerMonth> <manufacturerYear>2013</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>36890</marketValue> <registrationNo>IBZ3469</registrationNo> <transferDate>2013-05-01</transferDate> <eurotaxCode>47881</eurotaxCode> <yearlyKm>10000</yearlyKm> </motorInsurable> <payment> <atm></atm> <bank></bank> <bankName></bankName> <card></card> <collaborator></collaborator> <collector></collector> <creditCardExpireMonth></creditCardExpireMonth> <creditCardExpireYear></creditCardExpireYear> <creditCardNumber1></creditCardNumber1> <creditCardNumber2></creditCardNumber2> <creditCardNumber3></creditCardNumber3> <creditCardNumber4></creditCardNumber4> <dias></dias> <elta></elta> <frequency>1</frequency> <inhouse></inhouse> <mastercard></mastercard> <oneTime></oneTime> <other></other> <phoneBanking></phoneBanking> <twelveMonths></twelveMonths> <visa></visa> <webBanking></webBanking> </payment> <policyHolder> <afm>139651221</afm> <birthDate>1992-01-01</birthDate> <city>ΑΘΗΝΑ</city> <companyName></companyName> <email>eleftheria@gmail.com</email> <employmentType>220</employmentType> <fax></fax> <gender>2</gender> <iban1></iban1> <iban2></iban2> <iban3></iban3> <iban4></iban4> <iban5></iban5> <iban6></iban6> <iban7></iban7> <licenseDate>2014-05-06</licenseDate> <maritalStatus>1</maritalStatus> <name1>ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ</name1> <name2>ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ</name2> <nameNo></nameNo> <nationality>ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ</nationality> <personId></personId> <phoneNo>2108090182</phoneNo> <postCode>15561</postCode> <streetName>ΠΥΘΕΟΥ</streetName> <streetNo>2</streetNo> <surname>ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ</surname> </policyHolder> </motorApplication> </v1:issuePolicy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:issuePolicyResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return> <applicationNo>97030084</applicationNo> <quotationNo>11076177</quotationNo> </return> </ns2:issuePolicyResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example2 In this example we will try to issue an application for Speed1 and for the selected covers showed in the image below. We don't have as response exception, but we didn't manage to retrieve policy number. ![Iris_image3](images/Iris_image3.png) *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:issuePolicy> <motorApplication> <applicationDetails> <endDate>2015-05-12</endDate> <signatureDate>2014-05-12</signatureDate> <signaturePlace>ΧΟΛΑΡΓΟΣ</signaturePlace> <startDate>2014-05-22</startDate> </applicationDetails> <pack code="801"> <cover code="280000000"> <sumInsured> <codeValue>954</codeValue> </sumInsured> </cover> </pack> <distChannel code="08000"> <hasTaxReporting>false</hasTaxReporting> <name1>Generali</name1> <subCode></subCode> <surname></surname> </distChannel> <motorInsurable> <alarm>false</alarm> <claims>0</claims> <colour>ΜΠΛΕ</colour> <doors>5</doors> <eurotaxDescr>A5 1.8 16v TFSi</eurotaxDescr> <garage>false</garage> <gps>false</gps> <hasInsuranceCertificate>false</hasInsuranceCertificate> <hp>160</hp> <manufacturerMonth>5</manufacturerMonth> <manufacturerYear>2013</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>36890</marketValue> <registrationNo>IBZ3469</registrationNo> <transferDate>2013-05-01</transferDate> <eurotaxCode>47881</eurotaxCode> <yearlyKm>10000</yearlyKm> </motorInsurable> <payment> <atm></atm> <bank></bank> <bankName></bankName> <card></card> <collaborator></collaborator> <collector></collector> <creditCardExpireMonth></creditCardExpireMonth> <creditCardExpireYear></creditCardExpireYear> <creditCardNumber1></creditCardNumber1> <creditCardNumber2></creditCardNumber2> <creditCardNumber3></creditCardNumber3> <creditCardNumber4></creditCardNumber4> <dias></dias> <elta></elta> <frequency>1</frequency> <inhouse></inhouse> <mastercard></mastercard> <oneTime></oneTime> <other></other> <phoneBanking></phoneBanking> <twelveMonths></twelveMonths> <visa></visa> <webBanking></webBanking> </payment> <policyHolder> <afm>139651221</afm> <birthDate>1987-01-01</birthDate> <city>ΑΘΗΝΑ</city> <companyName></companyName> <email>eleftheria@gmail.com</email> <employmentType>220</employmentType> <fax></fax> <gender>2</gender> <iban1></iban1> <iban2></iban2> <iban3></iban3> <iban4></iban4> <iban5></iban5> <iban6></iban6> <iban7></iban7> <licenseDate>2006-05-06</licenseDate> <maritalStatus>1</maritalStatus> <name1>ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ</name1> <name2>ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ</name2> <nameNo></nameNo> <nationality>ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ</nationality> <personId></personId> <phoneNo>2108090182</phoneNo> <postCode>15561</postCode> <streetName>ΠΥΘΕΟΥ</streetName> <streetNo>2</streetNo> <surname>ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ</surname> </policyHolder> </motorApplication> </v1:issuePolicy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:issuePolicyResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return> <applicationNo>97030106</applicationNo> </return> </ns2:issuePolicyResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example3 In this example we will try to issue the same application as in Example 2 that will throw WsException. The input is missing some mandatory fields. *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:issuePolicy> <motorApplication> <applicationDetails> <endDate>2015-05-12</endDate> <signatureDate>2014-05-12</signatureDate> <signaturePlace>ΧΟΛΑΡΓΟΣ</signaturePlace> <startDate>2014-05-22</startDate> </applicationDetails> <pack code="801"> <cover code="280000000"> <sumInsured> <codeValue>954</codeValue> </sumInsured> </cover> </pack> <distChannel code="08000"> <hasTaxReporting>false</hasTaxReporting> <name1>Generali</name1> <subCode></subCode> <surname></surname> </distChannel> <motorInsurable> <alarm>false</alarm> <claims>0</claims> <colour>ΜΠΛΕ</colour> <doors>5</doors> <eurotaxDescr>A5 1.8 16v TFSi</eurotaxDescr> <garage>false</garage> <gps>false</gps> <hasInsuranceCertificate>false</hasInsuranceCertificate> <hp>160</hp> <manufacturerMonth>5</manufacturerMonth> <manufacturerYear>2013</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>36890</marketValue> <registrationNo>IBZ3469</registrationNo> <transferDate>2013-05-01</transferDate> <yearlyKm>10000</yearlyKm> </motorInsurable> <payment> <atm></atm> <bank></bank> <bankName></bankName> <card></card> <collaborator></collaborator> <collector></collector> <creditCardExpireMonth></creditCardExpireMonth> <creditCardExpireYear></creditCardExpireYear> <creditCardNumber1></creditCardNumber1> <creditCardNumber2></creditCardNumber2> <creditCardNumber3></creditCardNumber3> <creditCardNumber4></creditCardNumber4> <dias></dias> <elta></elta> <frequency>1</frequency> <inhouse></inhouse> <mastercard></mastercard> <oneTime></oneTime> <other></other> <phoneBanking></phoneBanking> <twelveMonths></twelveMonths> <visa></visa> <webBanking></webBanking> </payment> <policyHolder> <city>ΑΘΗΝΑ</city> <companyName></companyName> <email>eleftheria@gmail.com</email> <employmentType>220</employmentType> <fax></fax> <gender>2</gender> <iban1></iban1> <iban2></iban2> <iban3></iban3> <iban4></iban4> <iban5></iban5> <iban6></iban6> <iban7></iban7> <licenseDate>2006-05-06</licenseDate> <maritalStatus>1</maritalStatus> <name1>ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ</name1> <name2>ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ</name2> <nameNo></nameNo> <nationality>ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ</nationality> <personId></personId> <phoneNo>2108090182</phoneNo> <postCode>15561</postCode> <streetName>ΠΥΘΕΟΥ</streetName> <streetNo>2</streetNo> <surname>ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ</surname> </policyHolder> </motorApplication> </v1:issuePolicy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την έκδοση συμβολαίου.</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:WsException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>1</code> <target>/policyHolder/afm</target> <body>Το πεδίο Α.Φ.Μ. του Συμβαλλομένου είναι υποχρεωτικό.</body> </message> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>1</code> <target>/mainInsurable/birthDate</target> <body>Το πεδίο Ημερ.γέννησης του Κυρίως Οδηγού είναι υποχρεωτικό.</body> </message> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>1</code> <target>/mainInsurable/afm</target> <body>Το πεδίο Α.Φ.Μ. του Κυρίως Οδηγού είναι υποχρεωτικό.</body> </message> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>1</code> <target>/motorInsurable/torEurotaxCode</target> <body>Το πεδίο Κωδ.Eurotax είναι υποχρεωτικό.</body> </message> <valid>true</valid> </report> </ns2:WsException> </detail> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example4 In this example we will try to issue the same application as in Example 2 that will throw WsException. The input is missing the mandatory covers. ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:issuePolicy> <motorApplication> <applicationDetails> <endDate>2015-05-12</endDate> <signatureDate>2014-05-12</signatureDate> <signaturePlace>ΧΟΛΑΡΓΟΣ</signaturePlace> <startDate>2014-05-22</startDate> </applicationDetails> <pack code="801"> </pack> <distChannel code="08000"> <hasTaxReporting>false</hasTaxReporting> <name1>Generali</name1> <subCode></subCode> <surname></surname> </distChannel> <motorInsurable> <alarm>false</alarm> <claims>0</claims> <colour>ΜΠΛΕ</colour> <doors>5</doors> <eurotaxDescr>A5 1.8 16v TFSi</eurotaxDescr> <garage>false</garage> <gps>false</gps> <hasInsuranceCertificate>false</hasInsuranceCertificate> <hp>160</hp> <manufacturerMonth>5</manufacturerMonth> <manufacturerYear>2013</manufacturerYear> <marketValue>36890</marketValue> <registrationNo>IBZ3469</registrationNo> <transferDate>2013-05-01</transferDate> <yearlyKm>10000</yearlyKm> </motorInsurable> <payment> <atm></atm> <bank></bank> <bankName></bankName> <card></card> <collaborator></collaborator> <collector></collector> <creditCardExpireMonth></creditCardExpireMonth> <creditCardExpireYear></creditCardExpireYear> <creditCardNumber1></creditCardNumber1> <creditCardNumber2></creditCardNumber2> <creditCardNumber3></creditCardNumber3> <creditCardNumber4></creditCardNumber4> <dias></dias> <elta></elta> <frequency>1</frequency> <inhouse></inhouse> <mastercard></mastercard> <oneTime></oneTime> <other></other> <phoneBanking></phoneBanking> <twelveMonths></twelveMonths> <visa></visa> <webBanking></webBanking> </payment> <policyHolder> <city>ΑΘΗΝΑ</city> <companyName></companyName> <email>eleftheria@gmail.com</email> <employmentType>220</employmentType> <fax></fax> <gender>2</gender> <iban1></iban1> <iban2></iban2> <iban3></iban3> <iban4></iban4> <iban5></iban5> <iban6></iban6> <iban7></iban7> <licenseDate>2006-05-06</licenseDate> <maritalStatus>1</maritalStatus> <name1>ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ</name1> <name2>ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ</name2> <nameNo></nameNo> <nationality>ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ</nationality> <personId></personId> <phoneNo>2108090182</phoneNo> <postCode>15561</postCode> <streetName>ΠΥΘΕΟΥ</streetName> <streetNo>2</streetNo> <surname>ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ</surname> </policyHolder> </motorApplication> </v1:issuePolicy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την έκδοση συμβολαίου.</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:WsException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>1</code> <target>/pack/cover[@code="280000000"]</target> <body>Η κάλυψη με κωδικό: 280000000 είναι υποχρεωτικό να δηλωθεί.</body> </message> <valid>false</valid> </report> </ns2:WsException> </detail> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##listPackagesInfo <a name="listPackagesInfo"></a> Provides information about the selectable packages. This information includes the covers and parameters that should be sent to our system when performing tariffication or issuing policies. ### Output Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- packageInfo | List[PackageInfo] | PackageInfo | A List of the available packages | *(see below)* #### PackageInfo Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- code | String | Numerical | The code of the package | 801 description | String | Textual | The description of the package | Speed1 cover | List[CoverInfo] | List[CoverInfo] | The products belonging to the package | *(see example)* #### ProductInfo Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- code | String | Numerical | The code of the product | 001 description | String | Textual | The description of the product | Product 1 mandatory | Boolean | Boolean | Defines if the product is mandatory or optional | false sumInsured | FieldInfo | FieldInfo | The information about the sum insured | ["automatic", Value[3000], List[]] premium | FieldInfo | FieldInfo | The information about the premium | ["automatic", Value[3000], List[ Param["001", "MERCEDES"], Param["002", "AUDI"]]] params | List[ParamInfo] | ParamInfo | The parameters of the product | ["001", "Extra Param1", Value[1000], List[ Param["001", "ALARM"] ]] #### FieldInfo <a name="FieldInfo"></a> Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- type | String | automatic, typeIn, none, param | The type of the field | automatic value | Value | Value | The value of the field | Value[3000] options | list[Param] | Param | Possible options of the field | *(see General considerations)* About the type element: The FieldInfo *type* refers to the kind of value that the field holds. Type | Description ---- | ----------- typeIn | A numerical value, freely chosen. The value can still be negatively validated from our business rules. param | A code value, to be chosen among a provided list. The list of options is provided with the field. automatic | A value that is not chosen by the client application but outputted by our system. none | There is no value assignable, neither from the client, neither from our system. #### ParamInfo Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- type | String | String | Specifies the type of the parameter | 001 label | String | String | The label of the parameter | Extra Param1 value | Value | Value | The value of the parameter | Value[1000] options | List[Param] | Param | Options of the parameter | *(see General considerations)* ###Example ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:listPackagesInfoResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return code="801"> <description>Speed1</description> <cover code="215150000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Σωμ.Βλάβες</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215151000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Υλ.Ζημιές</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215152000"> <description>Α.Ε.στη μεταφ.&amp; σε φυλ.χώρους</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="294153000"> <description>Υλ.Ζημιές από ανασφ.όχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="297000000"> <description>Κάλυψη αερόσακων</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="129000000"> <description>Νομική Στήριξη</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="742265170"> <description>Φροντίδα Ατυχήματος</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="752000000"> <description>Ρυμούλκ.λόγω ατυχ.</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="280000000"> <description>Προσωπικό Ατύχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="954"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.15.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="953"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.10.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="955"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.20.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="281000000"> <description>Θραύση Κρυστάλλων</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="951"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.3.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="950"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.1.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="952"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.5.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="753450171"> <description>Οδική Βοήθεια</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="105255000"> <description>Α.Ε.Ρυμουλκούμενου</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> </return> <return code="802"> <description>Speed2</description> <cover code="215150000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Σωμ.Βλάβες</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215151000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Υλ.Ζημιές</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215152000"> <description>Α.Ε.στη μεταφ.&amp; σε φυλ.χώρους</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="294153000"> <description>Υλ.Ζημιές από ανασφ.όχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="297000000"> <description>Κάλυψη αερόσακων</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="129000000"> <description>Νομική Στήριξη</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="742265170"> <description>Φροντίδα Ατυχήματος</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="752000000"> <description>Ρυμούλκ.λόγω ατυχ.</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="280000000"> <description>Προσωπικό Ατύχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="954"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.15.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="953"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.10.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="955"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.20.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="281000000"> <description>Θραύση Κρυστάλλων</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="951"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.3.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="950"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.1.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="952"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.5.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="753450171"> <description>Οδική Βοήθεια</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="105255000"> <description>Α.Ε.Ρυμουλκούμενου</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> </return> <return code="803"> <description>Speed3</description> <cover code="215150000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Σωμ.Βλάβες</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215151000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Υλ.Ζημιές</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215152000"> <description>Α.Ε.στη μεταφ.&amp; σε φυλ.χώρους</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="294153000"> <description>Υλ.Ζημιές από ανασφ.όχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="297000000"> <description>Κάλυψη αερόσακων</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="129000000"> <description>Νομική Στήριξη</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="742265170"> <description>Φροντίδα Ατυχήματος</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="752000000"> <description>Ρυμούλκ.λόγω ατυχ.</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="280000000"> <description>Προσωπικό Ατύχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="954"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.15.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="953"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.10.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="955"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.20.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="281000000"> <description>Θραύση Κρυστάλλων</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="951"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.3.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="950"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.1.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="952"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.5.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="753450171"> <description>Οδική Βοήθεια</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="105255000"> <description>Α.Ε.Ρυμουλκούμενου</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> </return> </ns2:listPackagesInfoResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##getPackageInfo <a name="getPackageInfo"></a> Provides information about a selected package. This information includes the covers and parameters that should be sent to our system when performing tariffication or inssuing policies. ### Input Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- packageCode | String | Numerical | required | The code of the requesting package | 801 ### Output Field | Type | Value | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | ------- packageInfo | PackageInfo | PackageInfo | A List of the available packages | *(see listPackageInfo)* ###Example 1 **Valid Example** *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:getPackageInfo> <packageCode>801</packageCode> </v1:getPackageInfo> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:getPackageInfoResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return code="801"> <description>Speed1</description> <cover code="215150000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Σωμ.Βλάβες</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215151000"> <description>Α.Ε.-Υλ.Ζημιές</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="215152000"> <description>Α.Ε.στη μεταφ.&amp; σε φυλ.χώρους</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="294153000"> <description>Υλ.Ζημιές από ανασφ.όχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="297000000"> <description>Κάλυψη αερόσακων</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="129000000"> <description>Νομική Στήριξη</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="742265170"> <description>Φροντίδα Ατυχήματος</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="752000000"> <description>Ρυμούλκ.λόγω ατυχ.</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>none</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="280000000"> <description>Προσωπικό Ατύχημα</description> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="954"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.15.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="953"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.10.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="955"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.20.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="281000000"> <description>Θραύση Κρυστάλλων</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>param</type> <option code="951"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.3.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="950"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.1.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> <option code="952"> <description>Ασφ.Κεφ.5.000 Ευρώ</description> </option> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="753450171"> <description>Οδική Βοήθεια</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> <cover code="105255000"> <description>Α.Ε.Ρυμουλκούμενου</description> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <sumInsured> <type>automatic</type> </sumInsured> <premium> <type>automatic</type> </premium> </cover> </return> </ns2:getPackageInfoResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example 2 **Example with error** *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:getPackageInfo> <packageCode>1</packageCode> </v1:getPackageInfo> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Invalid package code: 1</faultstring> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##getApplicationDocument <a name="getApplicationDocument"></a> ###Input Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- applicationCode | String | Numerical | required | The number of the retrieving application | 02938475 ###Output The output is the byte[] of the document. -* **Throws WsException** *: * when userId is not valid. * when application doesn't exist. * the userId is not authorized to retrieve the application. ###Example1 *Output(Successful)* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:getApplicationDocResponse xmlns:ns2="http://demo.v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return>JVBERi0xLjYNJeLjz9MNCjI0IDAgb2JqDTw8L0xpbmVhcml6ZWQgMS9MIDIxNzQyL08gMjYvRSAxNjUyOS9OIDEvVCAyMTQyNPSJodHRwOi8vbnMuYWRvYmUuY29tL3hhcC8xLjAvbW0vIj4KICAgICAgICAgPHhtcE1==</return> </ns2:getApplicationDocResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example2 *Output(throwing exception)* ``` HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0 JSP/2.2 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Java/Sun Microsystems Inc./1.6) Server: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 07:20:41 GMT Connection: close ``` ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη λήψη του εγγράφου.</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:WsException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>5</code> <target>/applicationCode</target> <body>Το έγγραφο δεν υπάρχει.</body> </message> <valid>false</valid> </report> </ns2:WsException> </detail> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##getMotorStickerDocument <a name="getMotorStickerDocument"></a> This service retrieves the temporary motor sticker document. ###Input Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- applicationCode | String | Numerical | required | The number of the retrieving application's motor sticker | 02938475 ###Output The output is the byte[] of the document. -* **Throws WsException** *: * when userId is not valid. * when application doesn't exist. * the userId is not authorized to retrieve the application. ##uploadSupportingDocument <a name="uploadSupportingDocument"></a> ###Input Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- typeCode | String | listSupportigDocumentTypes():code | required | The type of the supporting document | 100 applicationNo | String | Numerical | Required | The number of the application | 29384673 title | String | String | Required | The title of the uploading document with the mime type | myPersonalId.jpeg document | byte[] | byte[] | Required | The byte[] of the document | ###Output -* **Throws WsException** *: * when userId is not valid. * if the application doesn't exist. * the userId is not authorized to upload supporting documents to the application. ###Example1 *Output(Successful)* ``` HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0 JSP/2.2 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Java/Sun Microsystems Inc./1.6) Server: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 07:49:29 GMT ``` ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:uploadSupportingDocResponse xmlns:ns2="http://demo.v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"/> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example2 *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:uploadSupportingDocument> <typeCode>SupportingDoc</typeCode> <applicationCode>97030069</applicationCode> <title>SupportingDoc.pdf</title> <document>cid:918515312339</document> </v1:uploadSupportingDocument> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ```` *Output(throwning exception)* ``` HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0 JSP/2.2 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Java/Sun Microsystems Inc./1.6) Server: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 07:20:41 GMT Connection: close ``` ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη εισαγωγή συμπληρωματικών εγγράφων.</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:WsException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>25</code> <target>/applicationCode</target> <body>Δεν είστε εξουσιοδοτημένος γι'αυτή την ενέργεια.</body> </message> <valid>false</valid> </report> </ns2:WsException> </detail> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##getNoOfClaims <a name="getNoOfClaims"></a> Retrieves the number of blamable claims for a certain plate number. ###Input (MotorInsurableBase) Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- plateNo | String | String | required | The registration number of the vehicle | IXT1213 ###Output The output is the number of blamable claims. ###Example 1 *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:getNoOfClaims> <plateNo>IBZ8972</plateNo> </v1:getNoOfClaims> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:getNoOfClaimsResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return>2</return> </ns2:getNoOfClaimsResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example 2 **Example with errors** *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:getNoOfClaims> </v1:getNoOfClaims> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Error while getting number of claims</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:WsException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>5</code> <target>/plateNo</target> <body>The value should not be empty.</body> </message> <valid>false</valid> </report> </ns2:WsException> </detail> </S:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##getNoOfClaimsByDate <a name="getNoOfClaimsByDate"></a> Retrieves the number of blamable claims for a certain plate number after the purchase date. ###Input (MotorInsurableBase) Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- plateNo | String | String | required | The registration number of the vehicle | IXT1213 startDate | Date | Date | required | The purchase date of the vehicle | 20-3-2013 ###Output The output is the number of blamable claims. ###Example 1 *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:getNoOfClaimsByDate> <plateNo>YZT1252</plateNo> <startDate>2013-04-01</startDate> </v1:getNoOfClaimsByDate> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:getNoOfClaimsByDateResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return>0</return> </ns2:getNoOfClaimsByDateResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example 2 *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:getNoOfClaimsByDate> <plateNo>YZT1252</plateNo> <startDate>2011-04-01</startDate> </v1:getNoOfClaimsByDate> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:getNoOfClaimsByDateResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return>1</return> </ns2:getNoOfClaimsByDateResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ##issueGreenCard <a name="issueGreenCard"></a> Issues an application for a green card ###Input Field | Type | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Example ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- address | String | String | required | The address of applicant (Must contain only latin characters and numbers) | ATHINA 5 countries | countries | Array of countries | optional | The countries excluded from the green card | *(see example)* startDate | Date | String | required | The start date card applies. | 2015-12-20 endDate | Date | Date | required | The end date card stops being valid | 2015-12-20 fullName | String | String | required | The fullname of applicant (Must contain only capital latin characters) | TEST TEST policyNo | String | String | required | The relevant policy no | 11223866 The country list is the following Code | Description ----- | ---- AL | Albania AND | Andorra BIH | Bosnia And Herzegovina BY | Belarus FYR | FYROM IL | Israel IR | Iran MA | Morocco MD | Moldova MNE | Montenegro RUS | Russia SRB | Serbia TN | Tunisia TR | Turkey UA | Ukraine ###Output The output includes the green card number or the validation/fault exception string. ###Example 1 *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:issueGreenCard> <!--Optional:--> <greenCard> <!--Optional:--> <policyCode>11230965</policyCode> <!--Optional:--> <fullName>TSIRIGOTAKI AIKATERINI</fullName> <!--Optional:--> <address>PATISION 15 ATHINA</address> <!--Optional:--> <countries> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <country> <!--Optional:--> <code>RUS</code> </country> </countries> <!--Optional:--> <startDate>2015-07-22T04:02:49+03:00</startDate> <!--Optional:--> <endDate>2015-07-30T10:01:03+02:00</endDate> </greenCard> </v1:issueGreenCard> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:issueGreenCardResponse xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <return> <document>JVBERi0xLjIgCiXi48/TIAoxIDAgb2JqIAo8PCAKL1R5cGUgL0NhdG[...]0IDEgMCBSIAovSW5mbyAxMTkgMCBSIAo+PiAKc3RhcnR4cmVmIAoyMTE4MDkgCiUlRU9GIAo=</document> <greenCardCode>10003533</greenCardCode> </return> </ns2:issueGreenCardResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ``` ###Example 2 *Input* ``` <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v1:issueGreenCard> <!--Optional:--> <greenCard> <!--Optional:--> <address>TEST</address> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <countries/> <!--Optional:--> <endDate>2015-12-20T15:42:28</endDate> <!--Optional:--> <fullName>TEST</fullName> <!--Optional:--> <policyNo>11219952</policyNo> <!--Optional:--> <startDate>2015-12-16T15:42:28</startDate> </greenCard> </v1:issueGreenCard> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> ``` *Output* ``` <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:Fault xmlns:ns2="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <faultcode>ns2:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>!Error while issuing green card!</faultstring> <detail> <ns2:ValidationException xmlns:ns2="http://v1.soap.ws.api.gbox.generali.gr/"> <report> <message> <severity>error</severity> <code>11250</code> <target>/as400Validation</target> <body>Η πράσινη κάρτα προϋπάρχει στο ασφαλιστήριο.</body> </message> <valid>true</valid> </report> </ns2:ValidationException> </detail> </ns2:Fault> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> ```